Treating Constipation Holistically

Arthur Copes

· Constipation
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Based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Dr. Arthur Copes emphasizes a holistic, naturopathic approach to health at the Bio Wellness Center. One issue that Dr. Arthur Copes and his team address is constipation, which impacts a digestive system responsible for turning food into energy that the body utilizes in its daily functions.

There are three major organs within the digestive system: the stomach and the small and large intestine. The large intestine is associated with constipation. Symptoms include hard or lumpy stools, pain associated with bowel movements, abdominal swelling, and less than five stools passed each week. In chronic cases, these and related symptoms last two months or longer.

Encouraging a healthy digestive tract can include eliminating unhealthy foods while increasing intake of vegetables, fermented foods, omega three fatty acids, and water. With specific digestive enzymes and probiotics also recommended, exercise has a positive effect. Other recommendations include not holding back bowel movements and working to reduce alcohol consumption, which depletes the gut’s beneficial bacteria.

Chronic gut symptoms may be tied to more serious ulcerative colitis, parasitic infection, acid reflux, and gallstones. For this reason, it makes sense to consult with an experienced health care practitioner in constipation diagnosis and treatment.